Monday, 12 December 2011

Waterstone's Christmas

I've had my blog for nearly a year now! I can't really believe it. I've hardly posted, thanks to the Mega Monster Illness that took me out from January to about October. That's one of my New Year's Resolutions, which I'm slowly starting to build into a do-able list.

Now that Plutonium Muffins is on it's way, I'm going to expand this blog into other things that I want to enthuse about. It's not going to go all personal and weird, because I hate that, but it's not really only going to be about knitting anymore.

Today, my topic of choice is music and nails... Our string quartet is playing at a Waterstone's Christmas gig tonight, and Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, is going to be there. Our normal uniform is black and red, and I normally do my nails red. Tonight, I've gone Christmassy!

Red and green nails! (Photo copyright Coranda B)
I'm looking forward to the gig, even though we haven't really done very much practice. It'll be fine.

I have about another foot left to go on a mega-scarf left that I'm knitting -- I'll post pictures soon. I'm trying to start getting proper photos of all my projects with JS' camera, but for now I've just started using Instagram on my iPad, which will do until we can get our acts together for SLR stuff.

Bye for now!

Corrie xx

Monday, 5 December 2011

Christmas and blogging!

Hi all!

Christmas is fast approaching and I have so many projects on the go - I'm mid-way through my mum's present, planned my dad's and cousins, and have yet to decide what to do for the brother and both Gran's. Things for my boss and friends are going well - my Secret Santa is going to get a proper surprise this year! I'll do a post on Christmas Day (or possibly after depending on how much brandy is consumed...) with the big reveal, as I obviously can't do it for risk of everyone finding out what I'm making! For now, have a sneak peek of the Christmas tree decorations for this year...

Tiny stocking (Photo copyright Coranda B)

I can make the announcement that the wonderful JS bought my domain last night - and also We are busily deciding how it's going to look, planning photos and blog posts, and I'm going to get one of my work colleagues in on the graphic design. JS is going to build it for me - our deadline is the 13th (next week, eek!) because that is when my Gran arrives from South Africa, so watch this space. I'm really excited, I've been planning this for about three years!

Much love,
