Thursday, 15 September 2011

Penguin Archie

It's been a long time since I did anything crafty, unless you count making one wire flower for a depressed friend. My illness hasn't really improved, but I've moved back to London and am in the process of sorting myself out - I have a job now! - so hopefully things are on the up.

My friend inherited a rabbit at the beginning of the summer - his/her name is Archie (we aren't sure and can't pick him/her up) - and had a dream that he got dressed in a penguin suit a few days ago. I have a freakishly unhealthy obsession with penguins, and when I was asked to make the penguin suit via text (the friend was in Poland) I jumped to it. I had to go buy a load more wool and needles, cos all of mine are in the chest I talked about in the last post - 300 miles away - and when I'd knitted the penguin part, I decided that, as we were clearly never going to dress the rabbit (you can't even pick him up!), it needed a bunny head as well.

I used a pattern from Knitty for the penguin, and a pattern from Knitted Toy Box for the bunny portion. I modified the head a bit - I added a few extra rows of stockinette to make it fit slightly better.

I didn't put enough stuffing!

I had 24 hours to do it, combined with a really tight schedule at work, and here are the (slightly creepy!) results:

The original bunny

Penguin-Archie - side view

Front view - creepy eyes and all

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